

2023年5月27日 — Erroneously, a coin-operated player piano or orchestrion, due to mistaken use of the name in the 1949 song Music! Music! Music!

Custom M. Schulz & Company Nickelodeon Player Piano

This piano has been customized with beautiful new stained glass panels and instruments. Bass and snare drums, cymbals, and even a xylophone come alive and ...


A coin-operated player piano, often elaborated with percussion, banjos, bells, whistles, and other musical instruments and noise-makers. An American jukebox ...

Nickelodeon (disambiguation)

Nickelodeon is an American pay television channel with the same-name spinoffs: Paramount International Networks § Nickelodeon, listing channels around the ...


This instrument contains piano, xylophone, mandolin, bass drum, snare drum, tympani, cymbal, castanets, triangle, tambourine, and chinese block. It plays a 10- ...

Player Pianos and Nickelodeons

2006年2月7日 — The coin-operated nickelodeon, a variant of the player piano, was popular in Canada. ... See also Barrel organs; Instrument collections; Music ...

The Nickelodeon

The instrument is basically Georg's brain-child and is in fact the casing of ... In 1996 another Nickelodeon had to be built because the black Nickelodeon's ...


2023年5月27日—Erroneously,acoin-operatedplayerpianoororchestrion,duetomistakenuseofthenameinthe1949songMusic!Music!Music!,Thispianohasbeencustomizedwithbeautifulnewstainedglasspanelsandinstruments.Bassandsnaredrums,cymbals,andevenaxylophonecomealiveand ...,Acoin-operatedplayerpiano,oftenelaboratedwithpercussion,banjos,bells,whistles,andothermusicalinstrumentsandnoise-makers.AnAmericanjukebox ....